Saturday 5 December 2009

Perky Pat, Can-D, and Devolution

Using 'The 3 Stigmata of Paler Eldritch' as an example, I will try to explain some of Philip K Dick's complex concepts within the storyline, as well as make relevant references to the texts supplied, lecture notes taken and extra reading done.

The setting is some time in the twenty-first century, the United Nations are the main authority body, and humankind has habited, or rather colonised every planet(habitable) and moon in the solar system.
The colonies are strange, alien places, with most colonists undergoing psychologically monotonous, and physically daunting environments, so most people dont really want to live on these planets/moons, which means it is doen to the UN to draft certain individuals to become colonialists.
Since most life on colonies are boring, most inhabitants keep themselves entertained by using 'Perkie Pat'and 'Walt' dolls, along with the excess and variety of accessories that go with them, from everything to lamps, watches and even cars, which are manufactured by Earth-based company P.P. Layouts. What is not directly known at the start of the book is that the company also produces Can-D which is a substance hugely available but illegal hallucigoen, that enables the user to 'translate' into the dolls. This allows colonials to engage in an existential environment structure that allows the colonials to experience their own ideal version of life on Earth as a collective unconcsious experience. the company P.P. Layouts employs precogs, who determine if possible new Perky Pat accessories will be popular, which leads us to our key characters/protagonist.
Earths is not the image of harmonious living conditions anymore, but is reminiscent of the new world imnage constanlty thrown on us in this day and age, of melted ice-caps, a huge increase in global temperaturem where nowhere outdoors can exist, unless owning a personal air conditioning unit, and antarctica is the only suitable vacation spot. (usually saved for the upper class)
Another key part of the story, is where 'Evolution therapy' is available, once again, an exclusive for the wealthy, which allows people to skip stages of human evolution, which makes their craniums become larger and bubble like, which may increase intelligence, although in some cases, devolution occurs.
At the start of the book however, it is very important to note that the 'renegade industrialist' Palmer Eldritch has travelled to the far reaches of Proxima Centurai start system to search for a new sellable product and has been gone for a decade. TBC....

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